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Mentor movement contact: 26323636
If you have received diagnosis, cancer, and you need to talk with somebody who has had a similar experience? Call us! You need to know that you are not alone.
The idea of mentor movement was created within the framework of the project “With knowledge to cancer – NO!”. Its purpose is to promote mutual support for people affected by the illness. It’s clear that it feels like the world is crashing when hearing the diagnosis “malignant tumor” … yes, it is an ordeal that leaves a lasting impression. However, having a conversation with individuals who have gone through the same - the whole process, starting with the receiving of diagnosis, treatment and who also have found themselves after the treatment process. These people can help you be strong and like-minded when going through what’s called “cancer treatment”.
The Mentor Movement brings together members of the Patient Society "Dzīvības Koks" who are ready to help others with their experience.
In order for help and support to be appropriate, the steps of mentor process will look like this:
What mentors do: support by sharing their own unique experience. At the same time if the mentor has gone through a similar situation and diagnosis as the caller, then it can certainly be helpful.
What mentors cannot do: will not suggest treatment options and will not treat through the phone!
Every person’s experience is unique (even in cases of similar diagnosis)! Much depends from how we can utilize our own strength and will, understanding that the illness is a period of life which needs to be survived and overcome!
Life after cancer continues!